How far does _ drive your car?
Estimate your savings when you convert from gas to electric.
Compare your current vehicle to an all-electric vehicle below to see what kind of benefit you might get when switching to an EV.
EV gets you this many more km for the price you pay for a litre of gas.
_ km
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Utility kWh rate*
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A year of driving, a year of saving.
Average annual driving estimates vary across Canada, but 15,000 km/year is the average for most fuel use estimates. This estimate is based on the above inputs.
Switch to EV and save big on fuel. Estimated annual savings:*
How much did fuel cost for the last 5 years? 15,000 km/yr.
Understanding your savings potential.
Savings add up! The following cost and savings estimates are based on the information you've provided above. Think of all of the things you could do with the potential savings.
Switch to EV and your 5 year savings could look like this:*
Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Canada